Tube Red Dot Sights

FORESEEN OPTICS has 25 years of experience in developing red dot sights. Throughout our journey of manufacturing open red dot sights for our clients, we consistently received feedback from brand partners requesting a closed red dot sight to better protect the sight’s optical path and reflective surfaces. This led to the gradual development of the tube red dot sight design (a technology that we do not exclusively own).
The core design philosophy of FORESEEN OPTICS for tube red dot sights is to effectively isolate the LED and reflective surface from the external environment. This isolation can be achieved through either fully waterproof sealed designs or standard water-resistant enclosures, ensuring reliable protection in various usage scenarios. Additionally, by applying anti-reflective treatments inside the tube, the red/green dot becomes easier to distinguish. We also strive to minimize any impact on the field of view, though it is acknowledged that observing through a tube inevitably introduces some degree of visual obstruction.
FORESEEN OPTICS believes that both tube red dot sights and open red dot sights offer unique advantages. Typically, brand clients launch both series simultaneously, allowing consumers to choose according to their specific needs. According to research conducted by FORESEEN OPTICS’ marketing department, tube red dot sights are generally preferred for shotguns, while open red dot sights are more popular on handgun platforms and rifles. This product combination enables brand clients to better meet the diverse needs of consumers across different shooting platforms and environments. dot sight

Extremely fast target acquisition dot sight

Multi-level brightness adjustment

3.Coated optical lenses

Coated optical lenses

Excellent weather resistance of red dot sights 2

Excellent weather resistance

PictureProduct CodeModel NumberDOT SIZEAdjustment RangeBrightness SettingsCOATINGWEIGHT
CHX120TR1X202MOA1/2MOA11red film300G
HUQ122TR1X222MOA1/2 MOA10multi-layer coating168.8G
HUQ128TR1X282MOA1/2 MOA11multi-layer coating200G
CHX130TR1X304-3MOA1/2 MOA/blue film308G
ZHX145TR1X455MOA3/4MOA8blue film280G
MDT1202TR1X202MOA1/2MOA12 settings (10 Daylight & 2NV)
Concave surface coating: reflective film;
Convex surface coating: anti-reflective film
MDT1201TR1X202MOA1/2MOA12 settings (10 Daylight & 2NV) Concave surface coating: reflective film;
Convex surface coating: anti-reflective film
Tube Red Dot Sights BOJ1211TRBOJ1211TR1X214 MOA Single Dot1MOA /Click8multi-layer coating155G

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