Zero-Stop Rifle Scopes

The team at FORESEEN OPTICS has been involved in the manufacturing of rifle scopes since 1991. As precision long-range shooting became increasingly popular, our brand clients provided feedback indicating that expert shooters were eager for a rifle scope that could quickly return to zero after frequent long-distance shots and easily reset for ballistic compensation. This demand led to the development of the “zero stop” feature. Our engineers at FORESEEN OPTICS understood that the key principle behind this feature is to set a stopping mechanism during scope calibration (typically at 100 yards or meters), ensuring that when the elevation turret is dialed back to zero, it automatically stops, preventing it from moving into negative adjustments.
With advances in machining capabilities, rifle scope manufacturers in the 21st century, including FORESEEN OPTICS’ brand clients, began introducing their own versions of quick zero-reset rifle scopes, employing a variety of zero stop designs such as soft shims, detent slots, stop rings, and telescopic stops. Each of these designs offers its own advantages and disadvantages, aimed at meeting the diverse needs of shooters in different shooting environments. In response to market demands and client feedback, FORESEEN OPTICS has updated our own zero stop technology, ensuring that we provide a high-quality shooting experience while maintaining costeffectiveness. We not only have the capability to design and manufacture zero stop features but also offer custom zero stop components and installation services tailored to our brand clients’ needs. Below are the zero stop rifle scopes we have developed and refined, showcasing FORESEEN OPTICS’ innovation and leadership in this field.

Ultra wide band fully multi coating Hydrophobic lens coating

Fast focus Ocular, Easy adjusting the diopter setting

Precise and accuracy side focus Six brightness illumination settings

Zero stop push pull locking turrets 1click=1/4 MOA

PictureProduct CodeProduct ModelEXIT PUPIL Diameter
(@ 100YD)
AOT4-16X44 FFP4-16X44 FFP11 – 2.7535630105-1004.7°-1.2°
AOT5-25X56 FFP5-25X56 FFP7-23473496-954.4°-0.88°

Choose from our base models and add custom features—we’ll redesign it to meet your needs.

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